Forgot Your Ubuntu Linux Password? Here’s How to Recover
Forgetting your Ubuntu Linux password can be frustrating, but don’t panic! There are a few ways to regain access to your system. This guide will walk you through some common…
Forgetting your Ubuntu Linux password can be frustrating, but don’t panic! There are a few ways to regain access to your system. This guide will walk you through some common…
This article provides a comprehensive guide for users of iDempiere ERP who want to retrieve information on the content of documents and their corresponding data tables. The guide outlines the…
In iDempiere ERP, the data structure is classified by EntityType. To specify EntityType based on roles, you can use the following SQL in the default value of the column.
在iDempiere ERP中,除了可以利用欄位的超連結去訪視相關單據外.還有一個很方便的工具, Zoom 放大鏡. 找到和本身單據相關的單據. 它的關係原則是其它單據的欄位含有本身單據的主鍵. 例如:1)銷售訂單抛轉出貨單時, 會在産生的單據留下銷售訂單的主鍵. (C_Order_ID). 便可以符合放大鏡的搜尋條件. 2)在接單生産的企業, 銷售訂單抛轉製令單時, 製令單單頭上留下的對應ID為 C_OrderLine_ID. 不符合銷售訂單的Zoom放大鏡搜尋條件. (C_Order_ID) 有許多方法可以即時補上 C_Order_ID 資訊SQL: 在 Table Valdator 加入 SQL 去 update C_Order_ID. Java: 在 製令單…